Midlands State University Research and Innovation Division held a pitching session for new innovators on the 2nd of July 2024 at the MSU Innovation Hub. 

The Innovators Pitch is a session held regularly by the University through the Research and Innovation division in recruiting resident innovators and identifying innovations for incubation from students, staff members and the community.

In her opening remarks, the Research and Innovation – Executive Director, Professor Laurine Chikoko, emphasised that it was prudent that students, staff members and the community innovate, and the University is geared-up to support projects that have the potential to transform livelihoods in Zimbabwe.

Twenty five (25) innovators pitched their proposed projects, covering agriculture, ICT – based applications, banking, food, health, environment, and water. 

Assessment of the projects was done by a robust panel of expert adjudicators from the faculties of Science and Technology, Business Sciences, Education, Arts and Humanities, and Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Management. 

In assessing the presentations, the panel focused on uniqueness, feasibility or scalability of the proposed projects as well as the business cases and largely, the impact – the disruptive potential of the project, socio-economic value and impact on quality of life.

MSU Research, Innovation, and Industry Liaison Officers from faculties and representatives from MSU Legal Office,  also participated in the event.

In his closing remarks, Postgraduate Studies Manager, Dr. Umali Saidi thanked faculties and institutes for participating in the pitching session proving that the culture of research and innovation was maturing in the University. 

Dr. Saidi acknowledged the diversity, inclusivity and collaborativeness of the presented innovations, highlighting how this demonstrates the viability of the University’s research and development as it was encouraging new discoveries, providing opportunities for society to have new insights.

The innovators expressed gratitude to the University for providing a platform through the Innovation Hub, to assist students, staff members and the community to directly promote creativity as the country pursues solutions to challenges bedevilling communities.

Through the session, the University showcased its commitment to creating platforms for knowledge exchange, highlighting the culture of research and innovation ingrained in the University community. 


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