

  1.             PURPOSE OF PROGRAMME

The purpose of the programme is to expose candidates to the technical side of development work. Whilst the parent programme, Development Studies is geared towards exposing candidates to the theoretical and philosophical realms of development discourse; this programme is centred on equipping students with the tangible technical skills to undertake projects and programmes that lead to the realisation of development of the ground. Essentially this programme aims to sharpen and polish the skills needed to drive development initiatives practically in the field. It is therefore a practice -centred programme which is more premised on putting into action the theoretical elements and aspects of development.


  1.             ENTRY REQUIREMENTS

2.1.  Normal Entry

Candidates must have obtained 5 ‘O’ Level passes including Geography, English Language and Mathematics passed with at least a grade C and two passes in ‘A’ Level subjects or their recognised equivalents;

2.2.  Special Entry

A candidate must have obtained a Diploma in Development related discipline or a recognisable relevant qualification from an acceptable institution in which development and/or geosciences issues were involved.

2.3.  Mature Entry

A candidate must have 25 years of age with relevant working experience and have passed 5 ‘O’ level subjects including Geography, English Language and Mathematics passed with at least a grade C. Must also have relevant experience for at least two years. May be required to pass a written/ oral entrance examination set by the University. University General Regulations apply to other issues.


3.1 The degree programme prepares students for technical programming positions (project and programme design, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) within the arena of development practice namely;

3.2 International and regional organisations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the African Union (AU), or Southern African Development Community (SADC).

3.3 Government ministries, particularly those in charge of issues relating to labour, rural development, gender, children and the youth, agriculture, development finance, development planning and other economic and social services.

3.4 Non-Governmental Organisations that focus on the political, social, economic and environmental realms of development.

3.5 It is the major desire of the programme to equip candidates with the skills to start their own NGOs and development practice entities like consultancies and social entrepreneurship entities.

Programme Structure