

The public sector is facing a raft of changes and challenges, including growing demand for services, top-down reforms, and austerity. It is therefore essential that our public managers and leaders are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate through this environment to exercise good governance for the customers they serve. This curriculum responds to the Vision 2030 Agenda, the National Development Strategy 1 and the 5.0 education system. The programme provides a challenging real-world based education opportunity, in the process developing students’ knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of Local Governance and Management. Students are further equipped with analytical, diagnostic, research and intervention skills needed for efficient and effective service delivery to local communities.


Normal Entry: 5 ‘O’ level passes including English language, at least an E in Mathematics and any two relevant ‘A’ level passes

Special Entry: Candidates who have attained Levels 5 and 6 of the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Framework (ZNQF), awarded by a recognised university, college or institute

Mature Entry: 5 ‘O’ level passes including English Language, at least an E in Mathematics and at least 5 years’ experience in Local Governance area. Candidates must be at least 25 years old.


Area of study: Local Government Administration and Management, Decentralisation and  Devolved Governance, Financial Planning and Management, Human Capital Management, Local Government Law, Socio-Economic Rights, E-Governance, Leadership, Monitoring and Evaluation,  Innovation and Change Management, Political Science and Governance, Development Studies, Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Project Management, Disaster and Risk Management,  Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and Service Delivery.

Specialist Focus:  Research guided, inclusive and sustainable local governance system which underpins local and national economic development.

Orientation: Research, creativity and innovation and development-oriented, professional and ethical leadership

Distinctive features: The programme seeks to produce innovative, creative   development oriented inclined professionals and proactive, competent problem solvers and decision-makers who are able to operate in a dynamic and constantly changing environment.

Career Opportunities

Programme Structure