- Overview
- Career Opportunities
- Programme Structure
The public sector is facing a raft of changes and challenges, including growing demand for services, top-down reforms, and austerity. It is therefore essential that our public managers and leaders are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate through this environment to exercise good governance for the customers they serve. This curriculum responds to the Vision 2030 Agenda, the National Development Strategy 1 and the 5.0 education system. The programme provides a challenging real-world based education opportunity, in the process developing students’ knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of Local Governance and Management. Students are further equipped with analytical, diagnostic, research and intervention skills needed for efficient and effective service delivery to local communities.
Normal Entry: 5 ‘O’ level passes including English language, at least an E in Mathematics and any two relevant ‘A’ level passes
Special Entry: Candidates who have attained Levels 5 and 6 of the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Framework (ZNQF), awarded by a recognised university, college or institute
Mature Entry: 5 ‘O’ level passes including English Language, at least an E in Mathematics and at least 5 years’ experience in Local Governance area. Candidates must be at least 25 years old.
Area of study: Local Government Administration and Management, Decentralisation and Devolved Governance, Financial Planning and Management, Human Capital Management, Local Government Law, Socio-Economic Rights, E-Governance, Leadership, Monitoring and Evaluation, Innovation and Change Management, Political Science and Governance, Development Studies, Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Project Management, Disaster and Risk Management, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and Service Delivery.
Specialist Focus: Research guided, inclusive and sustainable local governance system which underpins local and national economic development.
Orientation: Research, creativity and innovation and development-oriented, professional and ethical leadership
Distinctive features: The programme seeks to produce innovative, creative development oriented inclined professionals and proactive, competent problem solvers and decision-makers who are able to operate in a dynamic and constantly changing environment.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities lie in the Civil Service, local authorities, Provincial and Metropolitan Councils; Public and private sector; colleges, non-governmental organisations, and in consultancy. Graduates from the programme further their studies in Master in Local Governance Studies and Public Administration and Management.
Lectures and tutorials (face to face as well as online), seminars, group work, work-related learning, research projects, individual independent study, field trips
On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge in Local Government Administration, Public Administration, Local Government Finance, Local Government law, Management, Strategic Management, Project Planning, Local Economic Development, Service Delivery, Research and Development
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Local government system, its constitutional provisions and service delivery rights in Zimbabwe.
- Apply skills in Disaster and Risk Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Strategic Management, Economics, public sector accounting, Local Government Research
- Use appropriate research methods, skills, and tools, to conduct research which leads to innovation and problem-solving in different contexts.
- Design codes of ethics, strategic plans, local economic development plans and project plans.
- Explain the role of local governance in promoting the realisation of socio-economic rights
- Understand policy issues, public relations, land management
- Explain politics and governance, human resources management and participatory planning.
Refer to Faculty General Regulations sections 4.1 to 4.4
Programme Structure
Level 1 Semester 1
LGM 101 Introduction to Public Administration 12
LGM 102 Legal Aspects of Local Governance 12
LGM 103 Introduction to Political Science 12
LGM 104 Decentralisation and Devolved Governance 12
Level 1 Semester 2
LGM 105 Local Government Accounting and Financial Reporting 12
LGM 106 Rural Development and Sustainable Livelihoods 12
LGM 107 Local Governance Systems and Practices 12
LGM 108 Local Government Human Capital Management 12
LGM 109 Traditional Leadership Systems and Local Governance 12
Level 2 Semester 1
LGM 201 Disaster and Risk Management 12
LGM 202 Decentralised Planning and Project Management 12
LGM 203 Qualitative Research Methods 12
LGM 204 Urban Development and Sustainable Cities 12
Level 2 Semester 2
LGM 205 Quantitative Research Methods 12
LGM 206 Local Government Finance 12
LGM 207 Public Policy 12
LGM 208 E-Governance Management Information System 12
LGM 209 Local Government Management and Leadership 12
Level 3. Semester 1
LGM 300 Work integrated Placement Report 40
Level 3. Semester 2
LGM 301 Work Integrated Learning Report 30
LGM 302 Work Integrated Learning Academic Supervisor Assessment 20
LGM 303 Work Integrated Learning Work Supervisor’s Assessment
Level 4 Semester 1
LGM 401 Local Economic Development 12
LGM 402 Strategic Planning and Management 12
LGM 403 Ethics in Local Governance 12
LGM 404 Housing Theory and Practice 12
LGM 405 Democracy and Inclusive Governance 12
Level 4 Semester 2
LGM 406 Human Rights in Local Governance 12
LGM 407 Innovation and Change Management 12
LGM 408 Sub National Service Delivery Models and Strategies 12
LGM 409 Dissertation 24
LGM 101 Introduction to Public Administration
The module seeks to introduce students to the practice and study of public administration and policy. It introduces students to the historical, normative and institutional context of public administration in both developed and developing countries.
LGM 102 Legal Aspects of Local Governance
The module focuses on the enabling legislation for Local Government. It examines the principal and subsidiary statutes detailing local authority operations; powers and responsibilities. The mandate conferred by the constitution and other laws to local government necessitates the knowledge, appreciation, application, implementation, enforcement and interpretation of constitutional provisions, various legal regulatory frameworks, legislation, statutory instruments, bye-laws, customary law, case law and other sources or forms of the law.
LGM 103 Introduction to Political Science
The module explores the discipline of Political Science as a “science” in Social Studies with a focus on the study of processes, principles and structures of governments and political institutions. The module includes a discussion and comparison of political ideas, processes, theories, systems and policies. It also focuses on the analysis of political problems on a national and global level, as well as a definition of central concepts.
LGM 104 Decentralisation and Devolved Governance
The module explores the concept of decentralisation as a governance reform strategy. The various forms of decentralisation; deconcentration, delegation, devolution, privatisation and issues of fiscal decentralisation within the context of intergovernmental transfers, financial autonomy at sub-national level and constitutional provisions underpinning devolved sub-national governments in Zimbabwe are discussed. The roles of sub-national devolved government in the implementation of national development strategies and the attainment of Vision 2030 are also discussed.
LGM 105 Local Government Accounting and Financial Reporting
The focus of this module is on how Local government institutions manage public funds and how they sustain themselves financially. It explores the fundamental accounting and financial reporting concepts, standards, systems and procedures with special emphasis on International Public Sector Accounting Standards and the enabling national legislation.
LGM 106 Rural Development and Sustainable Livelihoods
The module introduces key themes in Rural Development, the defining characteristics, approaches, strategies, and how to keep abreast with green thinking practices in rural communities. The module will also focus on the Zimbabwean policies for sustainable rural development before and after independence. The module will focus on the dimensions of economic and social change in creating sustainable rural development. It seeks to develop an understanding of the key issues and dilemmas of rural development.
LGM 107 Local Governance Systems and Practices
It looks at Local Governance as a part of the broad system of governance. It establishes connections and linkages to other levels of governance namely provincial, national, central, regional and global governance. The modules deal with practices required in the local government sector and cover topics such as policies and procedures (by-laws, code of ethics, roles and responsibilities, handbooks, records management, stores management); meetings (agenda setting, conduct of meetings, minute taking); communication (newsletters, speeches and press release, service charter and customer care).
LGM 108 Local Government Human Capital Management
The module explores the human Capital practices in the Local Government sector. The module covers issues inclusive of, the evolution of human Capital discipline from Traditional Personnel Management, the HR legal framework in the Local Government sector, employee resourcing, human capital planning, reward management and motivation, performance management, and human capital development among others issues.
LGM 109 Traditional Leadership Systems and Local Governance
The module examines the Traditional leadership system, focusing on its role, succession issues and its place in Local Governance. The relevance of traditional leaders in the promotion of development and their influence on democracy will be reviewed with the objective of positioning traditional leaders in the development discourse. A comparative analysis of traditional leadership systems in the region and beyond will cap this study in the process of drawing lessons for improvement.
LGM 110 Civil Society and Local Governance
This module identifies Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and examines their roles in local governance. It focuses on the history of local government and CSOs’ relationship. It delves into opportunities and constraints on civic society.
CS131 Basic Communication Skills
Refer to the Department of Communications Skills
HCS135 Introduction to Information Systems
Refer to the Department of Information Systems
LGM 201 Disaster and Risk Management
The major thrust of this module is on local governance apparatus in light of various forms of disaster and risk. The focus is on the preparedness, mitigation measures, prevention and management of disaster and risk. The module will focus on green thinking to coordinate the relationship between human beings and nature. One of the thrusts will be on the sustainable management of the environment to reduce the effects of disasters. This goes in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
LGM 202 Decentralised Planning and Project Management
The module focuses on planning elements for local governance. It looks at the planning process in local authorities, the types of plans and the relevant legislation that governs the planning process. Project identification, implementation, monitoring and evaluation aspects are looked at in detail. Project Management and monitoring discusses evaluation frameworks such as the Log frame matrix.
LGM 203 Qualitative Research Methods
The module offers an introduction to qualitative research methods, conceptualization, design, data collection and analysis with a special focus on Local Government sector organizations. Areas such as theoretical paradigms and perspectives, scientific explanations and theory building, research strategies and data collection methods, methods of analysing qualitative data, quality criteria and synthesis are covered. The module also trains students on the use of computer packages for qualitative data analysis.
LGM 204 Urban Development and Sustainable Cities
The module introduces the concept and theories of urbanisation which are inclusive of modernisation, dependency, Migration model, urban bias theory, Social Darwinism, Historical materialism, and Serote framework among others. The concept, theories, dimensions, criteria and frameworks of urban sustainability also are examined together with the causes of urban sustainable development challenges. The module will incorporate eco-friendly practices and supporting technology into the urban environment in the quest to build sustainable cities to reverse global climate change. The module will focus on SDG 11 which focuses on Sustainable cities and Development and how urban areas can adopt green practices.
LGM 205 Quantitative Research Methods
The module trains students on the quantitative dimension of social science research. It covers the philosophical underpinnings of quantitative research, quantitative research questions, designs, data collection methods, probability sampling techniques, statistical analysis of data and hypothesis testing. The module also trains students on the use of computer packages for quantitative data analysis.
LGM 206 Local Government Finance
This module focuses on how Local Authorities finance their activities, the significance of various revenue sources and sources of funding of Local Authorities, main expenditure drivers and laws governing public sector finances. The budgeting processes at the local level are explored including the concept of participatory budgeting and the role of different actors in the generation of local government revenue. The module thrust will also look at innovative ways to strengthen sustainable revenue generation strategies.
LGM 207 Public Policy
This module exposes students to key models and frameworks for public policy-making, and the inter-relationships between policy formulation, policy execution, and policy evaluation. Emphasis is placed on citizen participation in the policy problem identification and definition phase, through to the policy agenda-setting phase, and how these enhance stakeholder buy-in into the policy maintenance process.
LGM 208 E-Governance Management Information Systems
The focus of E-Governance Management Information Systems is on the application of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to delivering local government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employees (G2E) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire local government framework
LGM 209 Local Government Management and Leadership
This module provides students with an understanding of Management and Leadership and the challenges today’s Local Government sector Leaders and Managers face. The module is broken into three major areas which are Management and Leadership theory (the most important theories regarding Leadership and Management) and Management and Leadership practice (what Leaders and Managers actually have to do to lead and manage the Local Government sector) and finally how Managers and Leaders can be effective in the Local Government sector.
LGM 210 Principles of Monitoring and Evaluation
This module introduces students to the concepts and principles, applied knowledge and practices of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems as they are utilised in Local Governance. It introduces module participants to the notion of M&E which includes the distinct and complementary nature of the two, the concepts and practices of data collection, data documentation/management, data processing, analysis for M&E and reporting, and the adjustment of programme/project targets and directions.
ENT 235 Entrepreneurship 1
Refer to the Department of Entrepreneurship
GSSS201 Gender Studies for Social Sciences
This Gender Studies for Social Sciences 201 (GSSS201) module is an introductory module focused on giving students a broad understanding of the discipline of Gender Studies, its subject matter, key issues and concepts. It is designed to help students develop a critical understanding of basic gender issues as well as prepare them to be agents of change, particularly in Southern Africa and Zimbabwe. In so doing GSSS201 adopts an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach that takes as its subject matter all aspects of the human experience in a gendered world, viewing gender as a field of study, analytical tool and a social phenomenon structuring the social world itself
LGM300 Work-Related Placement Report
The students will submit a comprehensive work placement report which shows their understanding of the organisation placed.
LGM 301WorkRelated Learning Report
As part of the examination, the students will be required to submit a comprehensive academic report of their work-related learning experience to the department and it will be marked and awarded a mark that will be ratified by the departmental examinations board.
LGM 302 Work -Related Academic Supervisor’s Report
As part of the examination, the students will be assessed and awarded a mark by the academic supervisor and this will be presented to the departmental examinations board for processing of final marks.
LGM 303 Work-Related Learning Supervisor’s Report
The employer will assess the student and award a mark which will be presented to the departmental
examinations board for processing of final marks.
LGM 401 Local Economic Development
The module lays emphasis on local opportunities and the use of local resources for the development of its own economic potentials of how to create jobs, and income, develop local infrastructure and enhance revenue sources for the local authority and its people. The module further focuses on the emerging role of Provincial and Metropolitan Councils in economic development and how they can create economically viable localities. In addition, the module explores how LED fits into the general planning processes in a local authority and discusses tools, approaches and strategies that local authorities can use for the development of their localities
LGM 402 Strategic Planning and Management
The thrust of this module is on organisational management. It examines the vision and mission statement, aims and objectives, plan of action, implementation and continuous monitoring and evaluation periodically for organizations to meet intended goals.
LGM403 Ethics in Local Governance
The module explores issues on ethics, theories of ethics, ethical dilemmas and their resolutions, corporate governance, corruption and the anti-corruption architecture that are examined in the context of local governance. Students are further introduced to the best International ethics architecture models with the purpose of benchmarking ethical structures, values and practices of the Zimbabwean local government sector against that of the global best practices.
LGM 404 Housing Theory and Practice
This module focuses on human settlement in both rural and urban environments and approaches to rural and urban settlement provisions. Issues to do with resettlement before and after independence are explored. In the context of urban housing, policies and models of housing provision exploring opportunities and constraints in developing nations will be highlighted.
LGM 405 Democracy and Inclusive Governance
The module is a response to section 264 2(a) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (NO.20) of 2013 on devolution of governmental powers and responsibilities. The module explores the concept of democracy as it relates to Inclusive Governance. What makes Governance Inclusive is examined by drawing on theoretical, practical and institutional aspects. Mechanisms currently used for creating Inclusive Local Governance are analysed together with factors that constrain or enable Inclusive Local Governance.
LGM 406 Human Rights in Local Governance
The modules focus on the role local governments play in the realisation of human rights. The different forms and functions as determined by the constitutional and legal systems of the State are explored. The provision of public services that address local needs and priorities related to the realisation of human rights at the local level is discussed. The module discusses concepts that include human rights education, awareness-raising and training for public officials at both the national and local government levels and the obligations of citizens are discussed.
LGS 407 Innovation and Change Management
The module provides students with the conceptual and theoretical frameworks and an understanding of the best practices related to developing, implementing and managing large and small-scale innovations and changes initiatives in the Local Government sector. Students need skills and knowledge to be able to manage change and innovation in an ever-changing local government environment. Therefore, the module thrust will make students come up with innovative strategies for the dynamic environment.
LGM 408 Sub National Service Delivery Models and Strategies
The module focuses on the social and economic aspects that should be included when considering issues of service delivery in various sectors. A number of theoretical and practical questions will be raised in the context of relevant policies. The module also explores the challenges faced in service provision and strategies that sub-national governments can adopt to address the challenges. New approaches such as public-private partnerships among others are discussed
LGM 409 Dissertation
This is a double-semester module where a student undertakes research in any local governance and Management related area under the guidance of an academic supervisor.