
Master of Science Degree in Public Management and  Leadership

Duration                                      1 ½ years

Minimum Credit Load              360

Maximum Credit Load             360

Total MBK Credit Load            288

ZNQF Level                                  9


The programme seeks to develop graduates’ knowledge, competencies and analytical skills for them to be able to comprehend and resolve contentious contemporary public policy and public management and leadership issues in the modern global contexts. Furthermore, the programme seeks to develop ethical and professional leadership competencies for various public management contexts cutting across both policy and governance spectrums. These will be achieved through:

  1.         A balanced curriculum that enables the acquisition of a range of practical, computational, research and problem-solving skills as well as the development of factual and conceptual knowledge of public management and leadership issues.
  2.         The provision of related and relevant communication and presentation capabilities that enhance the students’ effectiveness in a wide range of career opportunities.


Normal Entry: A 2.1 pass, or better in Public Management and Administration, Public Policy and Governance, Public Sector Management, Economics, Politics and Public Management and Political Science or any relevant related degree.

Special Entry: A general degree and any other qualification in line with the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Framework (ZNQF).


Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures, seminars, group work, field-based activities, research projects, individual independent study.

Assessment Methods: Written and oral examinations, in-class tests, written assignments, and seminar presentations.


On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:

  • Gain the ability to critically analyse, create or improve, and implement effective public policy in public sector programs and services and leadership practices.
  • Acquire the foundation knowledge needed to understand the distinctive character and responsibilities of public sector administration and leadership in a democratic society.
  • Use appropriate research methods, skills, and tools, to conduct research which leads to innovative and problem-solving ideas in the modern public sector contexts.
  • Acquire the breadth and depth of knowledge about the challenges and model practices of contemporary public sector management and leadership needed to be effective in that context as well as engender an understanding of the special challenges and opportunities of public sector management and leadership in diverse contexts.
  • Develop the skills and theoretical knowledge needed to redesign public sector organizations, staff and delivery systems, as well as develop an understanding of the importance of leadership, cooperation and collaboration across unit lines and with external and community partners.
  • Develop an appreciation of the need for ethics and professionalism as the pillars onto which public leadership and governance is premised on.
  • Develop advanced leadership and communication skills needed for leadership in the public sector: strong oral communication skills in small groups and in larger public contexts. Strong written communication and skills appropriate for writing reports, explaining issues and policies, persuasively presenting initiatives, corresponding with colleagues and clients, and media communications.
  • Use principles and theories of Public Management and Leadership to gain a critical understanding of current problems and challenges in our country and beyond.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the international public management and leadership approaches, dynamics, systems and practices in resolving complex and dynamic global contemporary public sector challenges.
  • Master concepts as public policy, policy management, policy analysis, governance and democracy, institutional reform, capacity building, accountability and power.


5.1      The Master of Science in Public Management and Leadership is offered through  the Block-Release Mode of Entry.

5.2     Normally, a student is expected to complete the programme in not less than 1½   years from the date of first registration

5.3       All modules in this programme are compulsory.

5.4       Each module in this programme is worth eighteen (18) credits except for the  dissertation which is worth seventy-two (72) credits.


6.1 Course work                   

Written assignments, seminar and group presentations, in-class tests, and any other relevant assessments contribute 40% to the final mark.

6.2 Written Examinations

End of semester examinations constitute 60% of the final mark

6.3 Other

Dissertation/research Project is assessed on the basis of a research project (75%) and oral presentation (25%).


7.1       If a student fails all modules at the end of the first semester, they shall retake the  failed modules.

7.2       If a student obtains a minimum number of credits required but fails in not more  than two modules, he or she can proceed to the second level, but must all modules  before fore obtaining the degree.

7.3       To proceed from one level to another, a student should at least pass 75% of their modules for the current level.


Students who fail to satisfy examiners within their examination period may be eligible for special examinations, retaking the failed module(s) at a later examination cycle, repeating the failed module(s) at a later semester, a discontinuation of studies (if they pass less than 25% of their modules), or withdrawing from the degree programme (if they have failed the same level of the programme twice).


The grading of modules and the degree classification shall be as follows:

80% and Above                                                        Distinction

70%-79%                                                                    Merit

50%-69%                                                                    Pass

49% and Below                                                        Fail



10.1     Final end-of-semester examinations contribute 60% towards the final mark for each  module.

10.2     Continuous assessment contributes 40% towards the final mark of each module.

Programme Structure