The purpose of the programme is to provide the student with:
1.1 An understanding of contemporary theoretical foundations and analytical issues in the employment relationship.
1.2 An understanding of the strategic role of human resource management through the vertical and horizontal integration of HR activities.
1.3 The ability to conduct research informed by clearly articulated HRM theories or general management theories that promote effective human resource management.
At least a 2.1 pass in any relevant social science degree programme
The Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM) is a two-semester part-time programme structured to meet human resource management needs in Zimbabwe, the region and beyond.
Graduates have career opportunities in a wide array of disciplines which include the following;
- Human Resource Management (Private and Public Sector)
- Management Labour Movement
- Research and Consultancy
- Teaching and Lecturing
- Non -Governmental Organisations etc
Further education: Masters studies in HRM, in Labour Relations and Human Resource Development
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work, presentations, public lectures, practicals, guest lecturers, and lecture notes.
On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:
- Demonstrate skills in managing individual and collective relationships to ensure democracy in the workplace.
- Analyse Human Resource Management systems and technological applications in business and industry.
- Identify and define different policies and systems to attract and retain employees.
- Identify problems in Human Resource Management and develop appropriate solutions.
- Use appropriate research methods to create new insights into Human Resource Management.
- Develop new Human Resource Development models and initiatives, policies and practices that enhance organisational effectiveness.
- Communicate effectively and present information using multi-media to both experts and non-experts in the Human Resource Management industry
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module Description Credits
DHRM 631 Work Place Relations 15
DHRM 632 Accounting for Business 15
DHRM 633 Strategic People Management 15
DHRM 634 Training and Development 15
DHRM 635 Introduction to Economics 15
DHRM 636 Research Methods and Statistics 15
Level 1 Semester 2
DHRM 637 Organisational Dynamics 15
DHRM 638 Research Project 30
DHRM 639 Sociology of Organisations 15
DHRM 640 Human Resource Management Consultancy 15
DHRM 641 Industrial Psychology 15
DHRM 631 Workplace Relations
The module considers an overview of the workplace relations in Zimbabwe and other countries. As a comparative study, the module enables the student to appreciate the origins of workplace I.R and how it shapes the current workplace relations. The module will also analyse all the parties in the employment relations, strikes, collective bargaining and the legal framework governing the employment relations.
DHRM 632 Accounting for Business
The module is designed to give students an understanding of the basic principles of accounting and their application to sole traders, partnerships, companies and non-profit making organisations and an introduction to the analysis and interpretation of financial records and statements.
DHRM 633 Strategic People Management
The modules aim to cover the very basic concepts in human resource management. It enables students to understand what policies and strategies are and how they usually develop. These strategies and policies will include reward management, health and safety, training etc. and how all these are linked to the attainment of organisational objectives.
DHRM 634 Training and Development
The module is aimed at making students appreciate the importance of investing in people/workforce. The module will also focus on the strategic development of the workforce and the learning organisation. In addition, the importance of training and approaches to training (training techniques) will be explored.
DHRM 635 Introduction to Economics
The module intends to enable students to understand and appreciate the importance of making decisions to create a product, decisions to create demand and supply and also decisions to create capacity.
DHRM 636 Research Methods
The module is intended to enable students to understand the techniques widely used in gathering, interpretation, analysis and presentation of data in social research.
DHRM 637 Organisational Dynamics
The module examines the individual and groups in organisations. It also covers motivation, learning theories, personality, stress, organisational effectiveness, decision -making and organisational classification.
DHRM 638 Research Project
The project involves research in the area of the students’ interest. The student is expected to do practical fieldwork over a period of 3 months. The project is expected to be between 25-35 pages.
DHRM 639 Sociology of Organisations
The module examines industrial conflict, discipline and power in organisations, corporate cultures, organisational structures and how they impact employee performance.
DHRM 640 Human Resource Management Consultancy
The module explores trends and principles of ethical and profitable Consultancy in Human Management. The module will cover consultancy under the 3 main themes in HRM which are labour, training and general Human Resource Management. Approaches to consultancy and practical ways of consultancy will be highlighted.
DHRM 641 Industrial Psychology
The module enables students to understand how workers behave and try to cope with stressful situations. It also enables students to understand and appreciate the psychological variables affecting workers.