Duration: 18 months
Actual Credit Load: 270
Minimum Credit Load: 270
Maximum Credit Load: 360
MBKS Credit Load: 234
ZNQF Level: 9
The world over, there is increasing emphasis on social innovation and evidence-based policymaking. This program is an advanced programme in social science research methods which combines a strong focus on research with a theoretical and practical understanding of social problems, social policy and intervention. The programme is designed to provide students with innovative methodologies and equip them with analytical concepts and methods to research the social world and make a difference in the area of social innovation and social policy. The programme has an extensive focus on the use of advanced quantitative and qualitative research skills in a multi-disciplinary social science environment. The degree ultimately aims to produce skilled graduates who are innovative have a sophisticated understanding of research and are able to independently design and carry out high-quality social science research that informs policies which speak to the needs of an evolving society. Through this program, students are prepared for writing a PhD thesis, a career in academia or a research-oriented career in a non-academic environment. The MSc Social Research, Policy and Innovation programme also zones into issues to do with population, health and gender.
Normal Entry
A grade of C or better in O Level Mathematics. At least a 2.1 degree in Sociology or any relevant social science discipline from a recognised university or a post-graduate diploma in a relevant social science discipline. Relevant professional experience is also considered.
Areas of Study
The Masters in Social Research (and Innovation) seeks to address questions arising from social transformations ensuing in the contemporary local and global social world with a special emphasis on how to research and understand these dynamics in a scientific and innovative manner. As such, particular attention is paid to:
Philosophical constructs informing social research
Students familiarise themselves with fundamental philosophical backgrounds informing Social Science research.
Fundamental and advanced research methods and techniques
The program introduces students to basic and advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques in the Social Sciences.
Application of social research in addressing social problems and challenges through innovative solutions
Focus is paid towards using social research findings in informing solutions to social problems and policy in areas including gender, population, health and development.
Specialist Focus: Research, Policy and Innovation
Orientation: Research, industrialisation and innovation oriented. Teaching and learning focus on equipping students with analytical concepts and pragmatic methodological approaches to enable students to analyse and provide solutions ensuing from their (industrializing) social world.
Distinctive Features: The programme builds the research-industrialisation-technology-innovation continuum and focuses on knowledge development and application using a student-centred approach.
Employability: This program prepares graduates for careers in public research organisations, academic institutions and non-academic research institutions in the public and private sectors such as in social welfare and humanitarian aid provision, the criminal justice system and policing institutions, marketing, tourism, media, development work, policy development and analysis, Non and Inter-Governmental Organisations, youth work and health services management.
Further Studies: Doctoral studies within the social science discipline.
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module Description Credits
MSR701 Philosophy of Social Research 18
MSR702 Research Design, Practice and Ethics 18
MSR703 Advanced Qualitative Research 18
MSR704 Advanced Quantitative Research 18
MSR705 Researching Gender 18
MSR706 Researching Childhood and Youth 18
Level 1 Semester 2
MSR707 Mixed Method Approach 18
MSR708 Social Research and Policy 18
MSR709 Social Research and Innovation 18
MSR710 Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis (SPSS, Nvivo) 18
MSR711 Policy Evaluation 18
MSR 712 Researching Health 18
Level 2 Semester 1
MSR801 Dissertation 90
MSR701 Philosophy of Social Research
This module explores the fundamental philosophical debates around knowledge production in the social sciences. It aims to provide students with a general introduction to studying and carrying out research within the social sciences. In particular, the module focuses on the various assumptions that underpin researchers’ decisions around the questions, designs and methods they select. In this module, complexities around philosophical positions in the social sciences are explored, with different worldviews are presented as sitting on a continuum from naturalist to pragmatist methods of social scientific investigation
MSR702 Research Design, Practice and Ethics
This module introduces students to research design and ethical issues in the practice of research within the social science discipline. It provides an introduction to a range of methods and methodologies in the design of research projects within the social science discipline. The module will focus on research design within a range of paradigms, zoning on identifying research areas and generating research questions, issues around methodological choices, as well as ethical issues in social research, thus helping students transform a research question into a viable research project. Ultimately, students who complete this module must understand not only principles of research design and how they relate to various philosophical assumptions but must also be able to judge methods and techniques which are appropriate for tackling specific research problems, and have developed abilities to appraise published research findings in their own substantive areas of study.
MSR703 Advanced Qualitative Research
This module builds on students’ knowledge of qualitative research methods by introducing them to advanced methods and techniques commonly used by qualitative researchers. The module seeks to foster an advanced level of understanding of, and expertise in the use of, the key methods of qualitative data generation. Using a theoretical and practical learning approach, students will be further equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to critically engage with complex concepts relevant to the advanced aspects of qualitative research such as critical appraisal of research output. Topics covered will include action research, ethnographic and observational research, discourse and conversation analysis, documentary and archival analysis, participatory research, grounded theory, narrative interviewing, visual and other technology-based methods of data collection as well as fundamentals of qualitative data analysis.
MSR704 Advanced Quantitative Research
This module focuses on the concepts, methods and skills central to the successful design and implementation of quantitative research projects in the social sciences, including data collection approaches and concept operationalization. It builds on issues around probability sampling, sampling error and statistical inference. Furthermore, this module aims to produce careful and considerate researchers who understand and appreciate the key issues in the craft of applied work and are able to critically appraise quantitative social research in their respective fields. Topics covered include data collection approaches, surveys, case-control and cohort studies, data types and distribution, access and ethics, hypothesis testing, samples and populations, approaches to analyses including comparisons, regression and correlation; analysis of categorical and continuous data and combining results of independent studies.
MSR705 Researching Gender
The module aims to demonstrate how to conduct research on gender issues, paying attention to different contexts in which gender dynamics occur. The module examines both theoretical and practical aspects of researching gender issues as well as focusing on possible innovative ways and solutions to address challenges and problems arising from gender inequalities. The module also aims towards coming up with innovative solutions to gender disparities, including the ability to come up with, and review effective gender policies.
MSR706 Researching Childhood and Youth
The module aims to demonstrate how to conduct research with young people, paying attention to their social and spatial contexts. The module examines both theoretical and practical aspects of researching with young people in their socio-spatial contexts including crafting innovative ways of informing effective youth policies.
MSR707 Mixed Method Approach
This module bridges the gap between quantitative and qualitative research methods by focusing on how the two can be simultaneously and/or sequentially integrated in social inquiry. The focus is on how the two methods including their philosophical underpinnings can be combined to give a comprehensive appreciation of social research and analysis. Topics include mixed research methods and techniques, design, presentation and dissemination. Issues surrounding mixed methods’ reliability and validity are also critically discussed.
MSR708 Social Research and Policy
This module highlights the relationship between social research and policy. It seeks to equip students with critical skills that will help them to have a positive impact in the area of policymaking. Through the use of illustrative examples from different policy contexts, students gain a critical appreciation of the opportunities, benefits and challenges of using research evidence to inform and influence social policy development and implementation. Students who complete this module will not only have critical insight into the policy process but will also understand how and why change may occur in the policy environment and be able to apply these insights to a case study that demonstrates an understanding of how and why specific policies were developed, including the influence of social research at different stages.
MSR709 Social Research and Innovation
This module highlights the relationship between research and how it can be harnessed alongside individuals’ creativity to propose innovative solutions or interventions to social problems and make a difference in societies at a local, national or global level, a process which we refer to as social innovation. The module conscientises students of their capacity to make a difference within society through research and equips them to do so. It facilitates the personalisation of learning for students by allowing them to contextualise their learning to a topic meaningful to them.
MSR710 Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis
This module provides students with hands-on experience in working with different approaches to analysing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data. This is an advanced course intended for students who have already had some training in qualitative and quantitative methods for data analysis at the undergraduate level. By the end of the module, students will understand the basic principles of the advanced methods covered, appreciate the context in which the methods are best applied, and have had practical experience applying these methods to real-world data, using relevant analysis packages.
MSR711 Policy Evaluation
The module examines policy evaluation in the real world by presenting policy evaluation within the context of policymaking, and by ‘hands-on’ evaluation of policy through social research. Students are introduced to public policy and principles of policy evaluation and are equipped with the skills necessary to develop evaluations and make use of various evaluation designs in real-world scenarios. Evaluation designs which are explored include descriptive; before-after; comparative- experimentalist policy transfer and systematic review.
MSR712 Researching Health
The module aims to demonstrate to students how to conduct research on health issues, paying attention to social contexts in which health issues occur. The module examines both theoretical and practical aspects of researching social health issues as well as focusing on possible innovative ways and solutions to address challenges and problems arising from health inequalities, with an ultimate need to inform effective health policies.
MSR801 Dissertation
The aim of this module is for students to design, conduct, analyse and report an original empirical study related to social policy or social innovation using the specialist methods taught in this programme.
- MPhil in Sociology (MPhil SOC)
- MPhil in Anthropology (MPhil ANTHRO)
- MPhil in Industrial Sociology (MPhil INSO)
- MPhil in Sociology and Social Policy (MPhil SOSP)
- DPhil in Demography and Population Studies (DPhil DPS)
- DPhil in Migration Citizenship and Refugee Protection (DPhil MCRP)
- DPhil in Sociology and Social Anthropology (DPhil SO)
- DPhil in Social Research Policy and Innovation (DPhil SRPI)