Prof Langtone Maunganidze
Position: Associate Professor
Human Resource Management
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Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy(D.Phil.) (Sociology)-(University of Zimbabwe ),
- MSc Sociology & Anthropology (UZ), BSc (UZ)
Research Interests
- Organizational Analysis and HR Strategy
- Employee Relations
- Public Sector HRM
- Strategic Human Resource Development
- Qualitative Research methodology
- Ethnography and Public Policy
- Rural Development
- Industrial Sociology
- Architectural Sociology
- Entrepreneurship: Family Controlled businesses
People Management skills
- Job Profiling-DACUUM Certified
- Employee relations (Works Council Trainer)
- Employee discipline and grievance handling
- Organisational analysis and strategy formulation
- Staff selection
- Succession Planning
- Performance contracting , management and counselling
- Mentoring and career management: TNAs and Career Inventories
- Productivity and sustainability indices
Research and Publications for the past five years Journal Articles
- Maunganidze, L. (2019). Getting to grips with gatekeepers in African migrant research. Botswana Notes and Records, 51: 46-63. University of Botswana & Botswana Society
- ____________(2018). State ‘sponsored’ elitism and rural ‘peripheralization’ in Zimbabwe. The Dyke, Midlands State University Journal, 12 (1): 99-118.
- ____________. (2017). Authoritarian legacy and democratic succession in Zimbabwe. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, 2(1.1): 64-79. University of Limpopo: South Africa
- Tsholetso, T; L. Maunganidze., & G. Faimau (2017). Online social networking and academic performance at the University of Botswana. Mosenodi, 20 (2): 4 – 15. University of Botswana Journal.
- Maunganidze, L. (2016). Feeding from natural resource related conflicts: Evidence from Southern Africa. The Dyke, Midlands State University Journal, 10 (2):48-65.
- __________. (2016). Enhancing quality teaching and learning through university-industry co-evolution. Lonaka, Journal of Learning and Teaching, University of Botswana. 6(1): 72-77.
- ____________. (2016). A moral compass that slipped: Indigenous knowledge systems and rural development in Zimbabwe. Cogent Social Sciences, 2(1): 1-12. Taylor & Francis; www.tandonline.org. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2016.1266749
- Maunganidze, L; G. Faimau & R. Tapera (2016). Graduate employability in Botswana: Challenges and prospects. Mosenodi, 19(1): 13-29. Journal of the Botswana Educational Research Association, University of Botswana.
- Faimau, G. & L. Maunganidze. (2016). Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, attitudes towards sexual risk behaviour and perceived behavioural control among college students in Botswana. Cogent Social Sciences, 2(1):1-16. Taylor & Francis, www.tandonline.org. DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2016.1164932
- Maunganidze, L (2016). State institutions as harvesting rods: A Zimbabwean experience. Athens Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3): 233-246.
Book Chapters
- Maunganidze, L. (2018). Interweaving cyber-sociality with religiosity in Zimbabwe. In Gabriel Faimau & William O. Lesitaokana (Ed.). New media and the mediatisation of religion: An African Perspective. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- __________. (2016). Zimbabwe: Institutionalized corruption and state fragility. In Dele Olowu & Paulos Charnie. (eds.) State fragility and state building in Africa: Cases from Eastern and Southern Africa (pp.39-60). London: Springer.
- _____________. (2015). ‘Soft’ power and industrial Democracy: Deconstructing the Chinese presence in Southern Africa. In Maurice N. Amutabi & Linnet Hamasi (eds.). Africa and competing discourses on development: Gender, agency, space and representation (pp. 64-87). Nairobi: Centre for Democracy Research and Development (CEDRED)
Recent conference/ symposia facilitated
- ‘Negotiating gatekeepers in migrant research in Africa’, organised by the Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS), University of Zimbabwe (UZ), on 5-7th March 2019, Bronte Hotel, Harare.
- Research Methodology-OSSREA funded Seminar Series (MSU-Gweru Main campus, 6-7 July, 2018
- Symposium on “Trade Unions and Political Parties in Southern Africa” organized by ILO, Botswana Office in collaboration with Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU) held on 25 November 2016 at MASA Square Hotel, Gaborone, Botswana.
Current International Research Engagement & Collaboration
- 2019-2021-TU/ Berlin- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)” together with other partners funded under the program Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation – exceed.
- 2019-2020-FARNPAN-University of Venda- Institute for Rural Development-, RSA, BOOK project on ‘Lived Experiences of Agents of Rural Development in Eastern and Southern Africa
- BOOK Project Funded by The Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA)’. Editors- France Maphosa & Langtone Maunganidze…Proposed Title: ‘Business and Society in Botswana: A Study in Corporate Citizenship,’ (Palgrave Macmillan www.palgrave.com)
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