Prof Tasiyana D. Javangwe
Position: Associate Professor
English and Communication
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Research Interests:
- Postcolonial Identities, the Life Narrative and Diasporic literatures
- 2006: Book chapter titled “The Postcoloniality of Coming of the Dry Season” in Vambe M.T. and Chirere M. (eds), Charles Mungoshi: A Critical Reader. Harare: Weaver Press
- 2008: (with Muchineripi C. Gwarinda) “Shades of Che: Reconstructing the multiple identities of Ernesto Che Guevara in I. Lavretsky’s Ernesto Che Guevara” in Unisa Latin American Report Volume 24, Number 2, p12-20
- 2009: “Born out of my Ownself”- (Re)claiming the self in Doris Lessing’s Under my Skin, Volume 1, 1919 to 1949” in Journal of Literary Studies Volume 25, number 2.p40-51
- 2009: “In search of desired selves through theatre: A comparative study of Mexican and Zimbabwean constructions of women’s identities in Sabina Berman’s Yankee and Tsitsi Dangarembga’s She No Longer Weeps” in UNISA Latin American Report, Volume 1, Number 1, pp 39-53
- 2009: (with Anna Chitando) Guest-edited an issue of the Unisa Latin American Report Volume 1, Number 2
- 2009: (with Anna Chitando) Introduction- Picking Up the Splinters of History: Images of Latin America, the Caribbeans and Africa in Contemporary Fiction, in Unisa Latin American Report Volume 1 Number 2, pp2-4
- 2009: Through the Spectacles of a Non-Believer: Diasporic Images of the Antilles, Africa and Latin America in V.S. Naipaul’s A Way in the World, in UNISA Latin American Report Volume 1, Number 2, pp29-38
- 2011: “Discursive Displacement, Strategic Peopling: constructions of self identity and nation in Ian Douglas Smith’s Bitter Harvest: The Great Betrayal and the Dreadful Aftermath and Peter Godwin’s Mukiwa- A white boy in Africa” in Imbizo- International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies, Volume 2 Number 1, pp105-123
- 2011: “Inscriptions of political consciousness in childhood memory in Wole Soyinka’s Ake: The Years of Childhood” in Imbizo- International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies Volume 2, Number 2, pp51-60
- 2011: As the Gods Stand Akimbo: Aberrations of Post Independence Nationalist Politics in Wole Soyinka’s Kongi’s Harvest in Imbizo International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies Volume 1 Number 1, 2012
- 2013: “Exploding the strictures of patriarchal myths: Representations of self and collective identities in the context of HIV and AIDS in Tendai Westerhof’s Unlucky in Love”, in Imbizo International Journal of African Literary and Contemporary studies Volume 4 Number 1
- 2013: With Cuthbert Tagwirei, “A Literary approach to the Human Rights discourse: The case of Zimbabwean Literature”, accepted by The Dyke-Midlands State University Journal of the Humanities
- 2013: Book publication- The Politics and Poetics of Constructing the Self and Nation in Zimbabwean Political Autobiography, Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Tolerance Studies, Harare
- 2014: “Denomi/Nation: Envisioning possibilities of reconstructing an alternative Zimbabwe in Muzorewa’s Rise Up and Walk”, a chapter in Strategies of Representation in Autobiography-Re-Constructing and Re-Membering:, (eds) Hove M.L and Masemola K, published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishers
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