Professor William Lungisani Chigidi
Position: Senior Language Researcher-Shona
MSU National Language Institute
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- PhD (African Languages) UNISA 2009
- MA ( African Languages) UNISA 1998
- BA (Special Honours-Shona) University of Zimbabwe 1994
- BA General University of Zimbabwe 1976
Research interests
- Indigenous knowledge systems
- Literature
- Oral literature
- African culture.
- Detective fiction.
- Tembo, C., Muhwati, I. and Chigidi,W.L., Music, Nation and Politics: A Critical Engagement with Tongai Moyo’s Music in the Decade of Crisis, in ‘Singing Nation and Politics: Music and the decade of crisis in Zimbabwe, 2000-2010, Gweru: MSU Press, pp. 282-297, 2018.
- Chigidi, W.L. Looking back in order to go forward: Reading the proverb on a signpost, in The Dyke, Journal of the Midlands State University, Vol. 9, No.1, 2015, pp.1-16.
- Chigidi, Willie and Tembo C., (2013) Traditional oral literature and the socialisation of the Shona (Zimbabwe) girl child: An agenda for disempowerment, in Madirativhange: Journal of African Indigenous languages and literature vol. no 2, 2013.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2013) Understanding Shona liberation war fiction: Writers’ perspectives. Cape Town: CASAS.
- Chigidi W.L. & Mutasa, D.E. (2013) The image of absence and the politics of naming in Shona war fiction. Literator, vol.34, no.1, 2013.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2012) Shona oral art forms in the age of globalization: Reincarnation of the oral prototype. In The Dyke, vol. 6, no.1, 2012, pp.1-14.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2011) Depiction of women in Shona detective stories: Paradigms of patriarchal culture and values. Zimbabwe International Journal of Languages and Culture, vol.2, no. 2, June, 2011, pp.7-19.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2009) Writing for the Stage: A Relook at dramatic Action, Language Use and Cultural Conformity in Shona Plays. Unisa Latin American Report, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009. pp. 25-38.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2012) A Study of Shona Detective Fiction: New perspectives. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2011) Zvinoda Kutangira Pasi. Harare: Zimbabwe Publishing House.
- Mutasa, D.E. & Chigidi, W. L. Black writers’ Shona novels of the liberation war in Zimbabwe: an art that tells the truth of its day. In LITERATOR, vol. 31, no. 2, Aug. 2011, pp. 61-82.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2011) ‘A’ Level Shona (2nd Edition). Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2010) “Harmonized Varieties, Harmonized Community Thinking: Pushing Ndau to the Centre of Consciousness”, in Chimhundu, H., Magwa, W. and Chebane, A. (eds.) Harmonization of Shona-Nyai varieties, CASAS Book Series no. 72, Cape Town: CASAS, 2010, pp.87-103.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2009) Mabhuku Emitambo, in Magwa, W. and Makadho, A. (eds) Uvaranomwe HwavaShona: Bhuku romudzidzi rechipiri: Danho reA-Level. Harare: Mambo Press, 2009, pp. 63-89.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2009) Shona Taboos: The language of manufacturing fears for sustainable development, in The Journal of Pan African Studies, vol. 3, no.1, September 2009, pp. 174-187.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2008) Dzimurai Mwoto Mushango, Monograph no.81, Cape Town: CASAS, 2008, pp.16.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2007) Mhenenguro YaBhindauko. Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2002) ‘O’ Level Shona Revision Course (2nd Edition). Harare: College press.
- Chebane, A., Chigidi, W. L. et al Unified Standard Orthography for Shona Language Varieties (monograph), Cape Town: CASAS, 2006, pp.44.
- Chebane, A., Chigidi, W. L. et al (2008) A Unified Standard Orthography for Shona Language Varieties (monograph no. 37). CASAS, Cape Town, 2008, pp.44
- Chigidi, W.L. (2006) Kodzero Dzavanhukadzi Netsika DzavaShona Dzokuroorana (monograph), Cape Town: CASAS, 2006, pp. 23.
- Chigidi, W.L. (2004)The Detective Story Pattern in the Shona Folktale, in The Dyke, no.1, vol. 1, 2004, pp90-97
- Chigidi, W.L. (2000) Mhenenguro YaAtsunzunya Rega Atsikwe. Gweru: Mambo Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1991) Ongororo Yebhuku RaVitalis Nyawaranda-Paida Mwoyo. Gweru: Mambo, Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. & Magwa, W. (1990) Atsunzunya Rega Atsikwe. Gweru: Mambo Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1989) Kwaingovawo Kuedza Mhanza, Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1988) Mhosva Ndeyako. Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1988) Shona A-Level Revision Course. Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1986) Shona O-Level Revision Course. Harare: College Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1986) Imwe Chanzi Ichabvepi? Gweru: Mambo Press.
- Chigidi, W.L. (1986) Mufaro Mwena. Harare: College Press.
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