Dr Shepherd Manhokwe
Position: Senior Lecturer
Food Science and Nutrition
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- PhD (MSU)
- Cert (UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands)
- BSc (Hons)(Biochemistry (UZ), MSc Biotechnology (UZ)
- Certificate: Rights Based Approach to Food and Nutrition Security, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
- Certificate: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact assessment of Food and Nutrition security programmes, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
- Certificate: Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, UNESCO-IHE Institute of Water, Delft, Netherlands
- Certificate: Regional Biosafety, Harare, COMESA
- Certificate: Quality Management Systems Internal Auditing, Standard Association of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Certificate: Food Safety Management System, ISO/Standards Association of Zimbabwe ,Harare, Zimbabwe, 2011
- Certificate of Unit Credit: City and Guilds Quality Assurance Part 1
- Certificate: Food Security in a Changing Climate, Wageningen UR, Netherlands
Research Areas:
- Industrial biotechnology
- Food safety
- Food security
- Marume P., Ndlovu N. , Manhokwe S. and Ndlovu C. (2020) Detection of mycotoxins in opaque beer production, African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(4) (2020) 84-91 https://doi.org/10.33472/AFJBS.2.4.2020.84-91
- Muziri T., Mugandani R., Chaibva P., Chofamba A, Madanzi T., Manjeru P, Mudada N., Manhokwe S., Mugari A, Matsvange D., Murewi C.T.F., Mwadzingeni L. (2020) Using principal component analysis to explore consumers’ perception toward quinoa health and nutritional claims in Gweru, Zimbabwe, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2071
- Manhokwe S and ZvidzaiC. (2019) Post‐treatment of yeast processing effluent from a bioreactor using aluminiumchlorohydratepolydadmac as a coagulant. Scientific African, 6, e00125. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2019.e00125.
- Manhokwe, S., Shoko, S., and Zvidzai, C. (2019). Optimisation of biological wastewater treatment for yeast processing effluent using cultured bacteria: Application of response surface methodology. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 13(26), 430-437.
- Ndlovu N, Usai T, Usai E and Manhokwe S (2019). Effects of dietary substitution of maize meal with finger millet on fat deposition on broiler meat. African Journal of Biological Sciences. 1 (4), 15-23.
- Manhokwe, S., Zvidzai, C., Mareesa, W., &Marume, P. (2018). Wastewater treatment strategies of selected Zimbabwean food industries. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 10(4), 45-53.
- Mareesa W and Manhokwe S (2016) Treatment of a mahewu processing plant wastewater using coagulant Ferrifloc 1820, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 8(8): 97-102
- Manhokwe S. , Parawira W. and Zvidzai C., (2015) Aerobic mesophilic treatment of potato industry wastewater, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 7(7): 92-100
- Manhokwe S.,Matiashe I and Jombo T.Z.(2013)An analysis of the water quality of groundwater sources in selected high density areas in Gweru urban. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 2(9): 302 – 309
- Tshalibe R.S., Usai T., Nyamunda B.C., Manhokwe S.(2013 )Development of High Protein Flour using Cow Pea, International Journal of Engineering and Science,3(6): 07-13
- Maireva S., Usai T and Manhokwe S. The Determination of Adulteration in Orange Based Fruit Juices, International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(5): 365-372
- Manhokwe S., Parawira W. and Tekere, M. (2009) An evaluation of a mesophilic reactor for treating wastewater from a Zimbabwean potato-processing plant African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 3(4): 091-096
- Milford Mwazha, Desmond T Mugadza , Shepherd Manhokwe , Michael Njini, and Talknice Z Jombo,(2022) Comparison of the Changes in Seed Germination Vigour with Prolonged.
- Postharvest Storage for Hordeumvulgare Varieties, Hope and Sierra Malting Barley Varieties, in Zimbabwe, Journal of Food Quality Volume 2022, Article ID 9612855, 10 pages.https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9612855.
- Chawanda E., Manhokwe S., Jombo T.Z., Mugadza D.T., Njini M., Manjeru. Optimisation of malting parameters for quinoa and barley: Application of Response Surface Methodology.
- (2022), Journal of Food Quality Volume 2022, Article ID 5279177, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5279177.
- Muchekeza Jane Tafadzwa, JomboTalkniceZvamaziva, Magogo Charles, MugariAmiel, ManjeruPepukai, Manhokwe Shepherd (2021) Proximate, physico-chemical, functional and sensory properties of quinoa and amaranth flour AS potential binders in beef sausages, Food Chemistry, 365, 2021.
- Mugadza D.T, Nduku S.I, Gweme E, Manhokwe S, Marume P, Mugari A, Magogo C, and Jombo T.Z. (2021) Drinking water quality and antibiotic resistance of E. coli and Salmonella spp. from different sources in Gweru urban, Zimbabwe. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, 546.
- Mukungunugwa T., Manhokwe S., Chawafambira A. and Shumba M (2021) Synthesis and characterisation of activated carbon obtained from Marula (Sclerocaryabirrea) nutshell, Journal of Chemistry, 2021 (3): 1-9.
- Mukungunugwa T., Manhokwe S., Chawafambira A. and Shumba M (2021) Synthesis and characterisation of activated carbon obtained from Marula (Sclerocaryabirrea) nutshell, Journal of Chemistry, 2021 (3): 1-9
- Mugadza, DT., Nduku, S.I., Gweme, E., Manhokwe, S., Marume, P., Mugari, A., Magogo, C., & Jombo, TZ. Drinking water quality and antibiotic resistance of E. coli and Salmonella spp. from different sources in Gweru urban, Zimbabwe. Environ Monit Assess 193, 546 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-09322-5.
- Mukungunugwa T., Manhokwe S., Chawafambira A. and Shumba M (2021) Synthesis and characterisation of activated carbon obtained from Marula (Sclerocarya birrea) nutshell, Journal of Chemistry, 2021 (3): 1-9
- Mugadza, DT., Nduku, S.I., Gweme, E., Manhokwe, S., Marume, P., Mugari, A., Magogo, C., & Jombo, TZ. Drinking water quality and antibiotic resistance of E. coli and Salmonella spp. from different sources in Gweru urban, Zimbabwe. Environ Monit Assess 193, 546 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-09322-5
Book Chapter:
- Manhokwe S and Chikuru T (2019) Optimization of Bio-Ethanol Production from Barley waste using Response Surface Methodology, Evolving Industrial Biotechnology in Developing Countries, Ogbadu L, Ogbadu G and Mahamadi C Eds, Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries, Daya Publishing House, New Dehli, India, ISBN: 978-93-88982-01-6 (HB)
- Manhokwe S, Muvhunzi F and Zvidzai C (2018) Isolation, characterization and identification of culturable bacteria in yeast processing wastewater. The 19 WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium : Integrated Water Resources Development and Management: Managing Water for the Future in a Changing Environment in Eastern and Southern Africa. Livingstone, Zambia from the 31st of October –2nd of November 2018,
- Manhokwe S and Chikuru T (2017) Optimization of Bio-Ethanol Production from Barley waste using Response Surface Methodology, 2nd Training Workshop on Industrial Biotechnology: Driving Value Addition and Beneficiation, 22-24 August 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe.
- TatendaNcozana and Shepherd Manhokwe, Food safety hazards of vegetables irrigated with municipal effluent. A case study of Umguza, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. 17 WaterNet/ WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management: Water Security, Sustainability and Development in Eastern and Southern Africa, 26 – 28 October 2016, Gaborone International Convention Centre (GICC), Botswana
- Manhokwe S, Xaba C. and Ndlovu M. (2015) Production of Xylitol from Brewery Spent Grain using Candida mogii,Midlands State University 1st International Multi-disciplinary Research Conference On Driving Socio-Economic Development Through Value Addition and Sustainable Use of Resources, 14 -16 July 2015, Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
- Mugadza D.T, Manhokwe. S and Zvidzai C. (2013). ‘Effectiveness of HACCP in the Dairy Industry in Zimbabwe,’ paper presented at the SASDT 46th Annual general meeting and Symposium April 2013.
- Manhokwe S, Marume P., Zvidzai C. (2022) Effect of temperature on biogas production in the treatment of yeast processing effluent using an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor, International Workshop on Leveraging Innovations for Infrastructure Development and Sustainable Industrialisation, Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, (Nam S&T Centre), National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 17-18 November, 2022.
- Manhokwe S., Serere H., Jombo T.Z., and Nyoka R. (2022) Value addition of indigenous climate-smart crops: Successes and challenges, 1 st International Conference on Disaster and Risk Management, Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 1-4 October 2022.
- Awarded a Research Grant: Principal Investigator,Midlands State University-Research Council of Zimbabwe, Covid 19 Project (2021-2023)
- Title: Identification and Management of diseases, and epidemics among the precolonial African societies: Insights from archaeology, anthropology, natural sciences and medicine.
- Special Midlands State University Grant : Principal Investigator-Development, optimisation and commercialisation of a herbal porridge at Midlands State University (MSU),
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