- Doctor of Philosophy, NMMU
- Med in Educational Sociology, MSU
- BA in Education and English UNISA,
- Diploma in Education GTC.
Research interests:
- Peer Harassment in Educational Institutions,
- Indigenous Knowledge systems and Education,
- Reconfiguring the Education System In Zimbabwe and Social Problems and Solutions in Zimbabwe ,
- Child Sexual Abuse and Teacher Welfare.
- Teacher Incentives: A death Knell for Education. Dyke (2011).
- Reintegrating Institutionalized Children into Society. JSD (2011)
3 Educators’ Perceptions of Family Risk Factors Associated With Child Sexual Abuse. Dyke (2012)
- Educators’ Perceptions of Peer Harassment among Rural Day Secondary School Learners. Asian Social Science (2013)
- Indegeonous Weather Forecasting Systems in Mberengwa Wards 12& 13. Asian Social Science. (2013)
- Barriers to Reconfiguring Education in Zimbabwe. (Book Chapter in Shizha, 2014)
- Drought and El Nino Phases in Zimbabwe. Dyke (2014)
- Towards a model of combating peer harassment among rural day secondary schools in Zimbabwe.( European Jornal of Research in Social Sciences, (2018).
- Exploring factors which militate against donor funded , low income learners’ ability to complete schooling in Zimbabwe. (International Journal of Creative Research and studies,(2019).
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