Staff Profile

/Dr Nothabo Shoko
Dr Nothabo Shoko

Position: Permanent Full Time Lecturer

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  •  Doctor of Philosophy, NMMU
  • Med in Educational Sociology, MSU
  • BA in Education and English UNISA,
  • Diploma in Education GTC.

 Research interests:

  • Peer Harassment in Educational Institutions,
  • Indigenous Knowledge systems and Education,
  • Reconfiguring the Education System In Zimbabwe and Social Problems and Solutions in Zimbabwe ,
  • Child Sexual Abuse and Teacher Welfare.


  1. Teacher Incentives: A death Knell for Education. Dyke (2011).
  2. Reintegrating Institutionalized Children into Society. JSD (2011)

3 Educators’ Perceptions of Family Risk Factors Associated With Child Sexual Abuse. Dyke (2012)

  1. Educators’ Perceptions of Peer Harassment among Rural Day Secondary School Learners. Asian Social Science (2013)
  2. Indegeonous Weather Forecasting Systems in Mberengwa Wards 12& 13. Asian Social Science. (2013)
  3. Barriers to Reconfiguring Education in Zimbabwe. (Book Chapter in Shizha, 2014)
  4. Drought and El Nino Phases in Zimbabwe. Dyke (2014)
  5. Towards a model of combating peer harassment among rural day secondary schools in Zimbabwe.( European Jornal of Research in Social Sciences, (2018).
  6. Exploring factors which militate against donor funded , low income learners’ ability to complete schooling in Zimbabwe. (International Journal of Creative Research and studies,(2019).

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