Mrs Nyembezi Pipi Dapira
Position: Lecturer
Applied Education
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- Masters of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences Degree -Solusi University, Zimbabwe
- Bachelor of Education in Home Economics Degree – University of Zimbabwe
- Certificate in Teacher Education- Gweru Teacher’s College, Zimbabwe
- Impact of change in fashion and fabrics cause work requirements at Ordinary Level: A Case of Lower Gweru Schools- Zimbabwe Journals of National University of Science and Technology (2014) Dapira. N. P., Shoko. B and Mpala. S
- The effects of the current Textile of Clothing Design syllabus 9192 on the Teaching and learning of the Subject at Advanced Level-The Dyke. Volume 6. Number 4. (2012). Dapira. N.P, Shoko. B and Mukoko. A
- Dapira NP and MasukuJ( 2013) Indigenous communities and Industrial linkages;; . The influence of Cultural patterns on ethnicity on contemporary dress pattern in Zimbabwe Strengthening the link between indigenous communities and industries-Cambridge Scholars publishers.
- The effects of corporal punishment on the teaching and learning of Fashion and Fabrics: Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 14 of 2013.
Work in Progress
- On the interpretation, implementation and creativity limitations of the Zimsec Fashion and fabrics syllabus 6051/3 in the face of contemporary fashion. A case of Gweru Urban Scholars.
- The effects of consumer education on consumer purchasing patterns: A case of Mutareurban community.
Community Engagement:
- Judge for Miss Kuyedza Construction and modelling competition (police women s wives club)
- External Assessors for HEXCO Poly Technical colleges.
- Advisor to Midlands Christian Ladies society on dress and garment construction
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