- MED Technical Education (Human Nutrition), University of Zimbabwe (2009).
- Bachelor of Science with Education Degree: Home Economics, Midlands State University (2002).
- Certificate in Education (Home Economics) Gweru Teachers’ College
Research Interests:
- Food product development
- Nutrition Sciences
- Food Toxicology
- Nutrition Epidemiology
- Usai T., Denhere S., Nyamunda B.C. High energy tuber based porridge formulated from cassava, cowpeas and carrots, International Journal of Innovative & Research Studies, 2013, 2(7): 229-239.
- Maireva S., Usai T., Manhokwe S. The determination of adulteration in orange based fruit juices, International Journal of Science and Technology, 2013, 2(5): 365-372.
- Usai T., Tshalibe R.S., Nyamunda B.C. Prevalence of lactic acidosis syndrome in people taking antiretroviral drugs at a local health centre, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2013, 3(4): 1768-1771.
- Tshalibe R.S., Usai T., Nyamunda B.C. Manhokwe S. Development of High Protein Flour Using Cow Pea, Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2013, 3(6): 7-13.
- Usai T., Nyamunda B.C., Tshalibe R.S., Maisiri M.K. Spoilage of sterilized milk from a local dairy manufacturing company, International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences Research and Review 2013, 1(2): 1-18.
- Tshalibe R.S., Usai T., Nyamunda B.C. State of Malnutrition among adolescents in a peri urban area, Global Journal of Design and Technology, 2013, 2(4): 29-32.
- Usai T., Nyamunda B.C. Mutonhodza B. Malt quality parameters of finger millet for brewing cormmecial opaque beer, International Journal of Science and Research, 2013, 2(9): 146-149.
- Serere J.H., Zengeni P., Usai T., Chinofunga D., Nyamunda B.C. Adequacy of nutritional levels at local orphanage homes, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 2013, 1(1): 19-23.
- Usai T., Tshalibe R.S., Nyamunda B.C. Blood stained contaminated milk from local dairy farms, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science, 2013, 1(4): 55-59.
- Usai T., Mutonhodza B., Makamure C., Tshabile R.S., Chinofunga D. Hygiene for preparation of infant formula in a Developing Country, International Journal of Scientific and Technology, 2013, 2(9): 1-5.
- Usai T., Zvidzai C., Mushawarima, T. Designing of a dietary regimen and lifestyle guidelines for people who are prone to gaestrophageal reflux disease, IOSR Journal of Engineering, 20143, 3(7), 58-61.
- Usai. T., Chinofunga D., Ndhlovu. N. An assessment of the nutritional status of independent elderly adults, 65 years and above in Gweru Zimbabwe, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science, 2013, 1(5), 24-31.
- Usai T., Zvidzai C., Mushawarima, T. Application of diet to eliminate gaestrophageal complications in people suffering from heartburn, International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2014, 2(2), 48-56.
- 14 Usai T Mandidewa P Nyamunda B Development of Soup Thickener Powder from pumpkin seeds and cowpeas.2013 5(9),2427-2429.
- 15 Usai T,C Zvidzai, T Mushawarima Nutrient composition and nutrient-nutrient interaction in the prescribed diet that eliminate heart burn symptoms. International journal of science and research. 2015 4(9), 1977-1982.
- 16 Usai T,C Zvidzai, T Mushawarima Comparison of the effects of a strict diet and medication on relief of gastroesophageal symptoms .International journal of current reaserch. 2015 7(11), 22229-22238.
Community Engagement:
- member of scaling up nutrition-Gweru Urban
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