Mrs Doroth Chinofunga
Position: Lecturer
Applied Education
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- MSc Family & Consumer Sciences (Solusi)
- BEd (Solusi)
- Dip Ed (GTC)
Research Interest:
- Infant & Child Feeding
- Maternal Health
- Menopause
- Phyto-chemicals
- Doroth Chinofunga and Isabel Matiashe; 2013 :Assessment of Hindrances to Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers in Vungu Constituency, Gweru.(Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies JETERAPS) ,4(3).547-552
- Serere J, Zengeni P ,Usai T and Chinofunga D ; Adequacy of Nutritional levels at Local Orphanage Homes. (International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research IJSER 1 (1) 2347-3878
- Matiashe I, Usai T, Chinofunga D and Ndlovu N ;An Assessment of The Nutritional Status of Independent Elderly,65 Years and Above in Gweru, (International Journal of innovative research in technology and, science, 1 (5).24-31
- Usai T., Mutonhodza B., Makamure C., Tshalibe R.S., Chinofunga D., Hygiene For Preparation of Infant Formula in a Developing Country 2013 (International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Vo 2,( 9),1-5
- Makamure C, Chinofunga D, Usai T, Mutonhodza B, Determining the Efficacy of Protocols Employed in Replacement /Artificial Feeding using Commercial Infant Formula in Harare Zimbabwe. (International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Volume-4, Issue-1, June 2014
- S Tshalibe, N. Ndlovu,T. Usai,Makamure C, D. Chinofunga, B Mutonhodza, & S.T,Kawadza. Overweight And Obesity Categories of Residents In A local Urban Area. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) Volume 8, Issue 2 Ver. II (Mar-Apr. 2014), PP 77-81.
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