Ms Patience Nemapare
Position: Lecturer
Food Science and Nutrition
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Research interests
- Cereal technology and food fortification
- Product development
- Beverages and indigenous plants
- Fermentation
- Serere, H.J., Nemapare, P. (2015). Development of MoringaOleifera Enriched Muffins, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 4(2),178-183. Doi:10.11648/j.ijnfs.20150402.19
- Nemapare, P., Mugadza, D.T., Gadaga, T.H. and Jombo, T.Z., (2024). Indigenous knowledge and marketing of edible wild fruits in Zimbabwe: A case study of Shurugwi, Gokwe south, Chirumhanzu, and Chivi districts. Journal of Food Technology Research, 11(3), pp.62-81.
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