Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management


Duration:                                          1½ years

Minimum Credit load:                    288

Maximum Credit load:                    360

Total MBKs Credit load:                288

ZNQF Level:                                      9


This programme introduces students to the fundamental concepts of planning and project management. The structure of the programme is designed to help students understand project planning processes such as scoping projects, scheduling projects, sequencing project activities, and utilising project resources; and to appreciate project management processes such as project quality management, project financing and risk management, project monitoring and control, as well as data generation, analysis and management. In light of the Education 5.0 philosophy, this programme demonstrates how imperative to produce innovative and industry-oriented project managers who can design and execute projects in line with national development imperatives such as the Zimbabwe National Development Strategy 1 (NDS 1) and Vision 2030. This programme is also designed for both those currently working in a project-oriented role and those aspiring to launch a career in formal project management. For those who are already practising as project managers, this programme will refine and/or upgrade their ability to identify challenges and improve processes to effectively manage and lead projects in their organisation(s). The content of the programme is also well suited to new project management professionals who wish to upskill their project management abilities. Graduates in this programme will be able to successfully plan and manage projects as well as to lead and manage project teams in complex and competitive environments within the public, private and third sectors.


At least a 2.1 pass in any relevant degree programme.


The Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management (DPPM) is an 18 months part-time programme structured to meet project planning and management needs in Zimbabwe, the region and beyond. The programme teaching approach will enable students to develop and align their project management competencies to the key fundamentals of Education 5.0 philosophy such as innovation and industrialisation.


The programme content will be delivered through lectures, seminars, group presentations, guest lecturers and lecture notes.


On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:

  • Develop and apply innovative and industry-oriented skills to the management of projects.
  • Apply knowledge and experience of techniques of project planning and management that are required to achieve project objectives effectively.
  • Use an integrated approach to the planning and management of any project that considers how the scope of work, the time and resources available, economic constraints and quality of work can be planned and controlled to meet the project objectives.
  • Execute projects and use the earned value approach for monitoring and controlling their progress.
  • Develop and apply strategic risk response systems to minimise risks when managing projects.
  • Use applicable Management Information Systems to facilitate specific project management processes and activities.


5.1       The Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management is offered through           the Block-Release Mode of Entry.

5.2     Normally, a student is expected to complete the programme in not less than 1½       years from the date of first registration

5.3       All modules in this programme are compulsory.

5.4       Each module in this programme is worth eighteen (18) credits except for the          dissertation which is worth thirty-six (36) credits.


Formal examinations will normally be held at the end of each semester.

6.1 Continuous assessment

This shall account for 40% of the overall assessment while the final examination will account for 60% of the overall assessment.

6.2 Marking Scheme and Diploma Classification done with reference to section 12 of the General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Diplomas and Taught Masters.


7.1       If a student fails all modules at the end of the first semester, they shall retake the  failed modules.

7.2       If a student obtains a minimum number of credits required but fails in not more  than two modules, he or she can proceed to the second level, but must all modules  before fore obtaining the degree.

7.3       To proceed from one level to another, a student should at least pass 75% of their modules for the current level.


Students who fail to satisfy examiners within their examination period may be eligible for special examinations, retaking the failed module(s) at a later examination cycle, repeating the failed module(s) at a later semester, a discontinuation of studies (if they pass less than 25% of their modules), or withdrawing from the degree programme (if they have failed the same level of the programme twice).


The grading of modules and the degree classification shall be as follows:

80% and Above                                                          Distinction

70%-79%                                                                    Merit

50%-69%                                                                    Pass

49% and Below                                                           Fail


10.1     Final end-of-semester examinations contribute 60% towards the final mark for each  module.

10.2     Continuous assessment contributes 40% towards the final mark of each module.

Programme Structure