The First Lady, Cde Auxillia Mnangagwa on Tuesday the 24th of April 2018, attended a Research and Ethics Workshop at Midlands State University’s Gweru Main Campus.…
Through collaboration, both MSU and ZIWR are set to facilitate the transformation of Zimbabwe’s aquaculture and water management.
Quinoa is an all nutrient crop originating from Peru and Bolivia
MSU is set to establish a multidisciplinary research centre at Tokwe Mukorsi Dam
Midlands State University’s Faculty of Arts recently hosted a grant proposal writing workshop.
The visit was also intended to create a data base of senior MSU Faculty of Education personnel who can be engaged as examiners for masters…
The equipment which is critical in both basic and applied research, will also be used in industrial consultancy services.
As part of his fact finding and familiarization, Ambassador Masakui toured the Faculty of Medicine as well as the department of Chemical Technology.
Usage of Elsevier’s online resources by Midlands State University staff has increased by three hundred percent in the past year.
The partnership seeks to utilize the Centre for monitoring, documenting and breeding of endangered wildlife species.
The Department of Agricultural Economics and Development is developing a novel method of feeding pigs