Plans are underway to invite speakers from various notable organisations across the country who will equip all students due for Work Related Learning with expectations…

Local chiefs from the Zvishavane district namely Chief Mafala, Chief Masunda, Chief Mazvihwa and Chief Mapanzure toured MSU’s Zvishavane Campus on Thursday, 30 March 2017,…

Simply Superb!

April 2, 2017 0

The team lived up to expectations on the final day, scooping medals in the different disciplines and leaving a mark of excellence and outstanding sportsmanship…

Simply The Best!

March 17, 2017 0

The MegaFest Business Awards are held annually in honour of individuals and institutions that will have contributed significantly to the growth and development of Zimbabwe’s…

MDPCZ Tours Medical School

February 28, 2017 0

The tour to the MSU Medical School by the MDPCZ is the second by the delegation since the Medical School was established.