Staff Profiles: Professors

Dr Simbarashe Shadreck Chitima (Senior Lecturer)

Position: Chairperson

Research Interest
    Museum Collections Management, Heritage Management, Heritage Education, Museum Communication, Museum Exhibition Design and Interpretation, Visual Arts, Art Aesthetics, Museum Management and Museums and Global Issues.

Prof Mark Matsa

Position: Chairperson

Research interests:
    Waste Management, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Land cover and land use changes, Water Resources Management, Food Security, Migration, Gender and the Environment, Biogeography and Ecosystems

Prof. Percyslage Chigora

Position: Associate Professor


    Foreign Policy, Elections and Electoral Systems, Land Reform, University Administration, Regional Integration, African Politics Zimbabwean Politics

Dr Gabriel Maibvisira

Position: Senior Lecturer

Research Interests 
    Leadership Change management Organisational/Corporate behavior Ethics and organizational development Strategic management Corporate Governance.

Dr Primrose Hlatshwayo

Position: Lecturer

Research Interests-

    Genre studies Academic writing social media socio-linguistics teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) Collaborative writing

Dr. Maswoswere Pure

Position: Lecturer

Research interests
    Environmental health and safety Climate change Disaster management Built environment (urban geography) Waste Management Agroecology and Agribussiness.

Dr Augustine T Mataba

Position: Lecturer

Research Interests

    Strategic Management Business/Labour Law Human Resources Management  Intellectual Property Law Business model Innovation Strategic Human Resources Management

Ms Kudzanayi Tachiweyi

Position: Lecturer

Research interests
    Sustainable mining Ecology Occupational Health and Safety Environmental Politics

Mr Swithian Manzinde

Position: Lecturer

Research Interest
    Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Quality. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Good Governance and Environmental Management. Waste Management. Public Health Management. Occupational Hygiene. Ergonomics. Food Safety, Water and Sanitation.

Keto Petersons (Ngwenya)

Position: Lecturer

Research interests 
    wetlands, ecosystems, waste management, environmental management local and indigenous knowledge systems.

Mrs Chengetai Mashiringwane

Position: Lecturer

Research Interest
    Waste Management

Mr Calisto Chafadza

Position: Lecturer

Research interests 
    Strategic Human Resource Management  Strategic Management & Corporate Governance Talent Management  Reward management  Succession Planning Human Resource Development Organisational Behaviour

Mr Noel Mpofu

Position: Lecturer

Research interests 
    Strategic Human Resource Management Moonlighting  Strategic Management & Corporate Governance Talent Management  Reward management  Labour relations  Labour economics Human Resource Development Remote working, Teleworking and Hybrid workspace

Mr. Ndabezinhle Mfandaidza

Position: Lecturer

Research Interests:
    Decent work Employee well-being Workplace flexibility

Miss Delsa Kufakwedeke

Position: Lecturer

Research Interests:
    Industrial relations, Public Sector policies and practices, HRIS and Precarious employment

Miss Tatenda Bhiri

Position: Lecturer

Research interests
    Labour law and current affairs Emotional labour management Digitalization and Human resource management Strategic Human resource management Training and development (Career progression and planning)


Position: Lecturer

Research Interest
    Human Resource Analytics E-HRM Artificial Intelligence in HRM Leadership and Corporate Governance

Mr. Munyoro Patrick

Position: Lecturer

Research Interest
    Talent Management Human Resources Metrics Human Resources Information Systems Occupational Health and Safety Human Resources Management

Mr Isaac Mambanda

Position: Chief Technician

Ms Noreen Muyeche


Research Interests
    Training and Development Human Resource Development Employee Health and Stress Management Occupational Health and Safety